Allow Participants to Edit Feedback After Submission

Administrators can unsubmit responses so that feedback providers can go back and make any desired modifications.

Once a feedback provider has submitted their response to an assessment, they cannot go back and make revisions. However, if a feedback provider contacts you and asks to modify their response, you can unsubmit it and give them their original invitation link to continue where they left off.


To unsubmit a response:

  1. Go to Feedback from the lefthand menu bar

  2. Choose Feedback providers from the View drop-down menu

  3. Click the name of the person who would like to modify their response

  4. Click the arrow next to the View button for the person whose assessment they wish to alter their responses for

  5. Click Unsubmit response

  6. Click Confirm unsubmit


Once you’ve unsubmitted the response, you can point the feedback provider to the link from their original email invitation.

They will be prompted for their email address and sent a new link to continue from where they left off. All initial responses will remain intact when reopening an assessment.


It's important to note that if the report has already been shared, you should avoid unsubmitting a response.

Additionally, responses cannot be unsubmitted when the assessment is closed. However, in case you need to modify an individual response, you can first reopen the assessment before unsubmitting it.