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  3. Sending Assessment Invitations

Determine the Best Day for Sending Invitations

It’s a common question, and some of the big survey tools have weighed in — but with conflicting advice!

  • SurveyMonkey says Monday is the best day.
  • CheckMarket agrees: Monday.
  • But TypeForm suggests Tuesday to Thursday.

So, who’s right?

We decided to dig into our data, analyzing almost half a million feedback requests, and here’s what we found:

  • Best days: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
  • Avoid weekends: Saturday is the worst, closely followed by Sunday.
  • Mondays underperform: Response rates are around 75% on Monday, compared to over 80% on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Of course, the best day for your project might vary. Consider these factors:

  • Are there holidays, training, or events that might keep people from checking their emails?

  • Are there other distractions, like key announcements or deadlines, that could affect the response rate?

And remember, timing is just one part of the equation. There are other strategies you can use to boost engagement! Contact support@spidergap.com for more tips and tricks!