Learn how to send emails from a custom email address

In Spidergap, you can choose whether your emails are sent from our email address (app@spidergap.com) or your own custom email address.

For example, you could choose to send emails from 360feedback@yourdomain.com. Sending emails from your own domain may help if your organization’s IT security rules lead to emails from app@spidergap.com sometimes landing in the spam folder.   Note,  your organization must own the domain for this email to be able to set up this service, so this cannot be actioned for personal email addresses such as @gmail.com.

How to set up a custom email address

First, create your project and then email support@spidergap.com to let us know that you would like to send emails from your own email domain. 

You may need the help of your IT team to complete this set up.

  1. From Design section on the left, open the Email templates page for your project.
  2. Find the “Who shall we send emails from?” section at the bottom of the page.
  3. In the Email drop down list, change this from "app.spidergap.com" to select “Custom email address”:
  4. Add the email address you want to use, and the name that should appear for emails sent from that address:
  5. After you click Save settings, you will be advised that your custom email address is unverified.
    Important: Until you verify your email address, emails will continue to be sent from app@spidergap.com.
  6. Click Set up now
  7. You will be shown all the details that your IT team will need to verify that you own this custom email domain. Ask your IT team to update the domain's DNS settings with these details (— you will need to copy and paste the table of settings that appears on your screen).
  8. Once your IT team has updated the DNS settings, click Verify now.
  9. You should now see that your email address is verified, and emails will now be sent from your custom email address.

Using the same email domain for more than one project

Once you have set up your a custom email address for one project in your Spidergap organization, you will be able to set up a custom email address for other projects without needing to configure your DNS (so you won't need to get the IT team involved again!). 

Just copy an existing project and all the email details will already be there. 

Using the same email domain for more than one organization

If you have more than one organization set up in Spidergap, and want to reuse the same custom email address, then please contact our support team.

Let us know:

  • Which organization already has the custom email address set up
  • Which organization you would now like to add the custom email address to

We can typically set this up for you within 48 hours.