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Product update (March 2020): Remote Worker Well-being assessment

Find out how your employees are coping, and take action

During this challenging time, the mental health of your employees and leaders is at risk.

With many teams now having to work remotely, you may have noticed that some of your employees are feeling anxious, isolated, under-supported, unhappy, and/or unproductive. 

When speaking to our customers, friends and family, we’re hearing a common story of employees frustrated to be working at home and struggling to stay positive in this difficult time. Left unchecked, even once the initial crisis is over, this could turn into serious mental health problems, long-term sick leave, poor productivity, and churn. 

At Spidergap, we see this as one of the top challenges facing our customers, and you may already be focused on this. As a company with over 10 years of remote experience, we want to do everything we can do to help. 

So, from today, we’re rolling out our new Remote Worker Well-being assessment and services to help you address this in your organization.

Please read on, and let us know if you have any questions, or if there’s anything else we can do to help!


Find out how your remote employees are coping — don’t leave their mental health to chance

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been helping customers to transition their employees to remote work. As a starting point, you can — and should — share guidance like this with your teams. 

But how do you know find out if your people feel well supported?

We recommend a short online assessment (less than 5 minutes) to get feedback from employees. Find out:

  • How are employees coping with the transition to remote working?

  • How effective is remote collaboration with colleagues?

  • Do they feel supported by managers and leadership?

  • What’s working well?

  • What needs improvement?

Our new Remote Worker Well-being assessment does just this. In just a few minutes, employees can provide feedback that will help you, your managers and your leaders to pinpoint issues and take action.

Here’s how the start of the assessment looks — you can customize the questions if needed:

Give your managers the feedback and guidance they need to support employees

You’ll be able to share a feedback report for each team leader or manager. 

These reports will help your managers to become aware of the pain points affecting employees, and the relative priority of addressing these:

Your managers can then dig into the areas that need most attention, using text answers to help understand why these areas are issues:

You can then share specific guidance with managers on how to address the biggest issues. For example, how to help employees to take care of their physical fitness and mental health. Or how to escalate and address issues with remote tools blocking work from moving forward.


Pinpoint where leadership and HR support can make the biggest impact

You can review the results at the organization level to:

  • Identify which specific areas need most attention

  • Identify teams or departments that need more support (— or any other group of individuals or teams, based on demographic data you can provide to us)

  • Review best practices and resources you can use

  • Create an action plan

You may find some issues that you were aware of and are already being managed. For example, if the VPN doesn’t work now that everyone is working remotely, it’s likely your IT team know and doing whatever they can to fix it. You can also expect to find some issues that are more hidden, and are still important to fix. For example, some employees may be struggling to find time with their managers, and feel their concerns are not being heard.

We recommend joining a call with our experts to support this review. We can help you dig into the results, and share best practices and resources. We’re happy to provide this service at no extra cost.

Get up and running in 10 minutes

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create your project using our new template

  2. Upload the details of participants

  3. Collect the feedback

  4. Share feedback reports and guidance with managers

  5. Review trends across the organization, pinpoint where support is needed, and create a plan

  6. Consider repeating the exercise 2–4 weeks later

Want help getting set-up? Arrange a call to get help creating your project and upload your participant details

How much does this cost?

Your first team assessment will be free. Further teams can be added, with the pricing depending on the number of managers receiving feedback. View pricing

If you have a subscription, then managers who have had 360° Feedback can also take part in the Remote Worker Well-being assessment at no extra cost.

Any questions? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

Interested in hearing more?

If you think this assessment could be of value, then we’d love to speak and understand how we can best support you. 

You can arrange a call, or send us a message with any questions!