Learn How a Participant Experiences 360° Feedback in Spidergap

Find out how participants can choose and approve feedback providers, provide feedback for themselves and others, and review their results

As a participant, there are typically 4 key steps:

  1. Choose feedback providers (optional)

  2. Approve feedback providers (optional)

  3. Provide feedback

  4. Receive and review feedback report

Choosing feedback providers

You can ask your employees to choose their own feedback providers. This reduces the administration needed, while also helping to ensure the best people are chosen to provide feedback.

Note: As the project administrator, you can also select the feedback providers yourself, or use a combination of both approaches.

The employee being assessed will be emailed instructions using an email template you can customize.

The link in the email is unique for each employee. Clicking on it will open the page to choose feedback providers - no login required.


Submitting the list of feedback providers will automatically trigger the next step. 

Approving feedback providers

If you are asking employees to choose their own feedback providers, we recommend including an approval step. 

This is where the "approver" — someone you set-up, typically the employee's line manager or coach — is asked to review the list of feedback providers before invitations are sent out.

You should give both the employees assessed and approvers guidance on who they should ask to provide feedback. The approver's job is to check that the employee has chosen a sensible number of people who can provide the most valuable feedback.

The approver will be emailed asking for their approval as soon as the employee submits their choices of feedback provider.


The link in the email is unique for each approver. Clicking on it will open the page to approve feedback providers - no login required.


The approver can add or remove feedback providers as needed. They may want to liaise with the employee being assessed when making any updates.

Once happy with the list, they can approve it.

After the list has been approved:

  • Feedback providers will be emailed to ask for their feedback

  • The employee being assessed will be emailed the final list of feedback providers.

Providing feedback

Each feedback provider will be emailed asking for their feedback. As with all other emails, you can customize the email template.


The link in the email is unique for each feedback provider. Clicking on it will open the page to submit feedback - no login required.



Typically a questionnaire consists of rating questions and free-text questions.

We provide a best-practice questionnaire template for all new projects, and it's easy to customize online if needed. We recommend comparing the employee's current and desired performance, though this can also be customized.

Receiving the report

As soon as feedback has been collected, the project administrator can share the feedback reports. This is a manual action - there's no danger of a feedback report being shared before you're ready.

The employee being assessed will receive an email with a link to download their PDF report.

You can download a sample report here, and find out why our unique feedback reports lead to a bigger return-on-investment (ROI)

(Optional) Reviewing the feedback report for others

You may want to share the employee's feedback report with their line manager or coach. To make this easy, Spidergap allows you to set-up a "reviewer" for each person being assessed.

You can then email the reviewers the links to download the report for each employee they are supporting.


How should we communicate the project to employees?

We have a great guide on communicating a 360° Feedback project.

Is it easy to send reminders?

Very easy - here's how to customize the reminders and then send them.

Sending frequent reminders is one way to increase your response rate. We recommend that you read this guide on how to increase your response rate.

Can we provide a self-service page for employees to trigger their own 360 Feedback assessment?

Yes. This is an option that can make sense for very large organizations looking to gradually introduce 360° Feedback. 

Find out how to set this up

What's next?

If you're planning to run a 360° Feedback project, then sign up and collect feedback completely free. There's no limitations or time-limits on your trial, and it's the best way to see how much value Spidergap can provide for your organization.

If you've still got any questions, then get in touch. Just click the blue button in the bottom-right of your screen and send us a message!